Microsoft Outlook

Lingue disponibili : Francese, Inglese, Tedesco, Olendese, Spagnolo, Italiano
Versione : 365, 2016

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Valutazioni ed esami di certificazione Tosa

Per le valutazioni svolte a distanza non è richiesta alcuna supervisione, mentre gli esami di certificazione devono essere sostenuti in presenza o tramite la nostra soluzione di supervisione elettronica a distanza.

Test di valutazione Esame di certificazione
Numero di domande 15 20
Durata 30Minuti 60Minuti
Protocollo d'esame Sostenuto online. Sostenuto online in condizioni di supervisione, in presenza o tramite il nostro sistema di supervisione elettronica a distanza.
Risultati Livello di competenza su una scala da 1 a 5. Report dettagliati sulle competenze. Punteggio su una scala da 1 a 1000. Invio del diploma entro 5 giorni lavorativi.


Environment and Settings

In this domain, candidates are tested on their knowledge of the Outlook interface (ribbon, navigation pane, folders, inbox items), the customization of each item, and the use of the Out of Office Assistant and the print options manager. This is also where you will find questions about data management, archiving and backup, and creating and customizing accounts.


The questions in this domain assess candidates on composing and sending e-mail messages, e-mail formatting, adding different types of attachments, and using Outlook features (cc: and bcc: features, adding a signature, creating delivering and reading receipts, creating rules and alerts). This domain also includes the use of rules and alerts, message management, and searching for information.

Calendar and Tasks

This domain tests the candidate’s ability to manage an Outlook calendar and tasks (creating appointments and meetings with different options such as priority, recurrence, and reminders; receiving and responding to invitations; creating tasks; customizing the display; and printing a calendar), as well as their ability to manage delegation and sharing. Within advanced levels, this domain also includes questions on task management (task creation, display customization).

Contacts and Notes

The domain covers Outlook contacts maintenance: adding new contacts, creating distribution lists that can be shared and distributed in different formats, displaying contacts in various ways, and grouping them by criteria.