Your Skills. Your Advantage.

Why certify?

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Skill Validation

Tosa certifications allow individuals to differentiate themselves from others in the job market. Being Tosa certified proves to prospective or current employers that an individual has the right skills for the job. Once Tosa certified, the score earned can be added to professional social networks and resumes. Tosa certifications can be added to academic courses or training programs.

89% of individuals with Tosa certifications say that it has helped them gain confidence in their skills.

International recognition

53% of individuals holding a Tosa certification choose it for its international recognition. The ability to utilize one’s skills anywhere in the world is becoming more and more essential.

Tosa is recognized in the United States, Canada, France, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

Drive personal growth

50% of Tosa certified individuals think that the certification is useful for their career evolution:

  • 48% of them agree that the Tosa is useful for obtaining new responsibilities within their company
  • 76% of job seekers use their Tosa score to strengthen their employability

89% of individuals with Tosa certifications say that it has helped them gain confidence in their skills. 53% of individuals holding a Tosa certification choose it for its international recognition. 50% of Tosa certified individuals think that the certification is useful for their career evolution.

Our test offerings

Tosa tests assess and certify desktop, digital, graphics and coding skills. To help you identify the right tests to fit your needs, our certifications are divided into 4 categories:

our test offerings desktop our test offerings graphics our test offerings digital our test offerings code

What recognition?

Tosa: an International Standard

Used by thousands of companies, K12, Higher education institutions and training organizations around the world, Tosa is an international standard for digital skills assessment and certification.

Tosa is officially recognized in the United States (Florida, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington, and Wyoming), Canada, the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands. It is offered by more than 2,000 accredited centers and used in 58 countries.

Who are we?

Our vision

Entire careers spent within a single role or a single company are becoming a thing of the past. Employees today will have several jobs throughout their careers, with the next job utilizing and building on the knowledge and skill that they have obtained through previous education, training, and experience.

Our purpose

Because digital skills are essential for professional development, our mission is to reveal these skills by providing an international standard for assessment and certification.

Tosa increases employability by helping individuals precisely identify and validate their digital skill set. We provide educators, trainers, and business professionals with reliable assessment and certification tools that meet their business needs.

Our values

We combine methodology and expertise to offer robust and reliable assessments and certifications that meet the needs of our partners.

Built to be completely transparent in response to our clients’ operational needs, the methodologies behind Tosa assessments and certifications comply with strict codes of ethics to provide fair and un-bias skill evaluation.

We are a passionate team, committed to doing everything possible to support our customers in the implementation of our tools.

Real-World Skills

Ready to certify your skills?

Get your Tosa certification from home or your office, safely.

Certify remotely

Deliver Tosa

Whether you are an academic institution, a training organization, or a company of any size, becoming an Approved Testing Center allows you to offer Tosa certifications to your students, trainees, or employees.

Training Providers
Education Corporate

“Most careers require some familiarity with Microsoft Office tools. Tosa certifications allow our students to demonstrate those skills to employers.”

Missy Fraze, Career and Technical Education Director-Anchorage School District